Shotcrete PreConstruction Testing

Whether you’re an Owner, Contractor or project specifier, it’s important to have an understanding of preconstruction shotcrete testing. Shotcrete testing at this stage confirms the concrete mix meets or exceeds specifications, the equipment being utilized is suitable, and the nozzleman, blowpipe operator and supporting shotcrete crewmen have the ability and experience required.


A mockup panel should replicate the same thickness, reinforcement configuration and sizing, and incorporate any other materials, such as a waterproofing membrane, as intended for in-place work. Finally, a mockup provides the owner, architect and engineer the opportunity to inspect and approve the intended concrete finish(es), alignment control procedures and curing method. Concrete mix characteristics for shotcrete such as pump-ability and work-ability are also evaluated during pre-construction testing.

CCP Shotcrete - Preconstruction Shotcrete Mockup Test Panel w Waterproofing Membrane - Texas
CCP Shotcrete – Preconstruction Shotcrete Mockup Test Panel w Waterproofing Membrane – Texas


A daily during-construction test panel measuring 24” x 24” x 3.5” with no reinforcement should be shot by the contractor, and then cored by a qualified testing laboratory in accordance to C42 / C42M, to confirm concrete material is approved for use. A panel is recommended to be shot once per day, or every 50 yards placed, whichever results in more frequent testing.

CCP Shotcrete - shotcrete material test panel
CCP Shotcrete – shotcrete material test panel


Hanskat, C. S. (2011, Summer) Shotcrete Testing – Who, Why, When, and How. American Shotcrete Association. Retrieved from


We are your shotcrete contractor AND educator. We regularly assist contractors and specifiers with the shotcrete process. Feel free to contact us at 512-584-3216.

CCP Shotcrete - rebar encasement shotcrete mock up panel
CCP Shotcrete – rebar encasement shotcrete mock up panel